Thursday, February 19, 2009

The World of an Intern...

Hello Friends!

My name is Tierra and I am a second year, Masters of Social Work, intern here at the Baltimore Child Abuse Center (BCAC). I am pursuing my degree at The University of Maryland, Baltimore (only a few months left and I graduate…yay!!!!). I am a North Carolina native, “Go Tarheels!” and I moved up here all alone so that I could develop some “survival skills”. Trust me, everyday hasn’t been great and some days I have been truly tested to my limit, but only the strong survive and I’m a warrior.

My search for an internship landed me here at BCAC and I would like to believe that my experience has evolved from a small seed into a beautiful flower. When I first began my internship, I had no clue what was going to happen. All I knew was that BCAC helped children who had been sexually abused, but I didn’t know exactly how it happened. To be honest, I was nervous about a whole lot of things, “What are the staff members like? Will I get along with everyone? Will I be able to handle some things that I might hear during an interview? Will the bathroom be clean? (For the record…it isJ). Now it’s February 2009 and I can say that all of my worries were just ….worries. Things are cool here. I glad that I have more responsibilities now because it makes you feel like you are helping and making meaningful contributions to the agency. I have also enjoyed connecting with families & children and have built some long lasting friendships among the “Intern Crew”. A few days ago I told Natalie, the treatment coordinator, that I’m sort of like an oyster. I may have seemed closed at first, but I do have a pearl inside that I show once I’ve opened up a little. It doesn’t pay to “stay to yourself” here, because we all need each other and it takes team work to get this job done.

Just an aside: between you and me, I am still a little antsy when it comes to facilitation…note taking may seem like a small deal to you, but here it’s a big deal. As soon as I see that yellow legal pad and that black pen…I break out in a sweat and run for cover! (If you ever want to test your skills…this is a great place to startJ).

From September 2008 until now, I have come to realize that BCAC does a “whole lot” for the children they serve. Everything that is needed to assist the children and their family is here and I find that simply amazing. I have developed a sense of pride for BCAC…almost to the point of wanting to wear a t-shirt (if anyone is listening…royal blue fabric with Crayola color prints ;)).

I kind of think I’ll miss the place when this is over, but I’ll just live in the moment and cherish the time I’m here now. Until next time…

Peace & Blessings

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