What a whirlwind of a day. Today the group met the original and most established PACT program in Beersheva. They are confident, committed, not afraid to share their missteps nor to tout their successes (somethings we all can learn from).
The most telling portion of the day was in the previous post - that everyone will be successful and from an academic perspective they use pact methodology with all students. And from the students we saw at the givim school they really were one beautiful melting pot of kids. They danced, sang, played music, showed us science experiments, spoke great english and smiled for the camera. Another great group of ethiopian olim (immigrants) met us at the end of the day in their community room while they were making chanuka menorahs. They displayed beautiful crafts, fine coffee and food and their bright smiles. Photos to be posted soon.
Its too early to tell, but I think one of the reasons for pact's success here is the immense amount of interagency cooperation and the fact that social services is not an afterthought or cooperator, but seemingly a fully integrated partner (another lesson). That makes much of their work and case load possible.
They've even realized their need to tackle abuse - I haven't heard much on sexual abuse yet, but seeing spikes of domestic violence, pact along with community leadership (yet another lesson) collaborated and seem to have reduced the problem greatly. I requested #s which should be forthcoming. Imagine if we could show thru PACT that we can reduced abuse by comprehensive and holistic services for the whole family? Educational, workforce development, community engagement - it could be remarkable. Stay tuned.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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